


Cagoule94 is a half-breed from 94, 100% active. This guy is not only a first class nike and a wild animal, he is also a natural beauty sculpted in black marble! Look at his well carved tablet, his super muscular pectos and thighs, his biceps 100% natural. A bomb what... ! But apart from this dream body Cagoule 94 also has a dream cock. It's very big, very wide, hard as a piece of iron, supported by a pair of big balls always full. Always in excess of testosterone, Cagoule94 doesn't bother with nannas because they can't stand her super big black cock. He only looks for assertive passive guys, preferably effeminate and hysterical. He likes to close their mouths with his extra large piece and to nick their asses without mercy.
Cagoule94's videos on Citebeur
Cagoule94 have played in 16 gay videos on and 3 videos on our other websites
There are 10 other videos with Cagoule94 on this website There are 10 other videos with Cagoule94 on this website
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Mucho fucker for Tiziano
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I'll shut your mouth bitch
Owned by Cagoule94
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