Danny Ascona

Danny Ascona

Danny Ascona

Danny Ascona's videos on Citebeur
Danny Ascona have played in 1 gay videos on Citebeur.com and 4 videos on our other websites
Anal orgasm - 2
Anal orgasm - 2

When Kad enters into Latino bottom Danny Azcona's ass, he gives him an instant anal orgasm. Danny looks so possessed that he moans as he feels the glans pounding inside him. No male has ever fucked him so well, and he's going to devote himself to his boss without limit. And it's by sucking deep Kad's dick that Danny gets the cum right back on his face. The game's not over yet: now that he's covered in semen, Kad puts his hand on him and waits for him to cum back, soaking in the smell of his cum and feeling the hot squirt on his face. Danny is seriously aroused and spits quickly at the command of his dom male.

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